The college is committed to provide holistic, comprehensive and quality education to the students and prepare them for a better tomorrow. It believes that the primary goal of higher education is to inculcate a deep sense of respect for diversity and provide equal opportunity to all students, irrespective of caste, creed, race, socio/economic/cultural or religious background. It is committed to raise a community of thinking and responsible individuals who are indeed the essentials of a progressive human society. It aims to provide its students an identity deeply rooted in the core institutional values of love and care and expects its students to always uphold the values of the institution.

The college has zero tolerance towards willful indiscipline, ragging, substance abuse, violation of college rules, misuse of rights and breach of duties. It has no tolerance for any action that threatens the unity and integrity of the country and is resolute in taking swift, immediate and firm action against those indulging in anti-national activities.

The college expects exemplary behavior from all its students and be proactive partners in college's mission of empowering girl students with wide ranging knowledge and skills to lead an independent and fulfilling life through a culturally sensitive and an inclusive environment upholding the core values of unity, diversity, and integrity.




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1 CODE OF CONDUCT 05/11/2022 View